Increase profits and avoid losses.

76% of traders using Swiset accomplish it in less than 3 months, just by sticking to the 4 steps following below.

Just by sticking to the 4 steps following below.

Something that you should know is 95% of traders are losing money by not taking good decisions about their investments.

With Swiset you got more chances to be part of the winning 5%, Stop losing money and start investing wisely. Wisely means applying 3 non-negotiable methods that assure consistency and profitability in the long term.

Some success stories on Swiset

Alvaro Price Action


“Swiset presents all your operations in an objective way represented in a visual way that allows you to make the decision in an efficient way. It is a professional tool that any trader has to have”

Camilo Delgado


“I have always said that what is not measured does not grow, so both the accounting record or the psycho-emotional record is important in critical moments or to know what to do when we have a good performance. If you do not believe and follow clear management rules without question you’re going to drive away those dreams you long for “

Andrés Yepes


“I consider that it is important to keep a trading log because it is difficult work, the one that nobody wants to do because we only want to trade, but if we do not measure ourselves we do not know what we are doing well, if there is no real control it will be difficult to be profitable in trading “.

Technique #1 to become part of the 5%

Manage your outcomes like an expert in 5 minutes

Want to start taking the best decisions when Trading?

A trading journal is a must for all traders, beginners and pros seeking to improve their results by making better decisions.

Excel is the past! All experts record and keep track of their operations, this means that you do not lose your record.

Why do this in Excel if Swiset can keep your record in the cloud? This is the first step to guarantee your results.

It is not just about keeping track of operations; this is already done by your investment platform.

It is keeping an accurate and detailed record of:

1. Emotions: Is important because depending on how you feel, you see the market and depending on how you see the market, you can win or lose your trades.

2.Strategy: An SMA in EUR / USD is not the same as using it in S & P500 or trading the American or Asian session. That is why it is important to identify the strategy in each operation.

Swiset Confirmation

3.Hits and Mistakes: In your process as a trader, you have different errors when operating, no matter the stage or the knowledge you count with. With Swiset you can record your failed and successful operations while trading, so you can identify them and stop losing money. Great, isn’t it?

4. Image of the trade: Once you identify mistakes or what works for you, you´ll know how it looks. Start to correct your mistakes or do what works for you, it is very important to add a screenshot, so you know exactly what happened and how you did it.

Notes: Not every day the markets are the same and you don’t always interact the same way with the market.
That is why it is important to add notes that allow you to remember in detail what happened.

Swiset = Make good decisions

So, do you know the importance of having a Journal?

We are sure that without a journal it wouldn’t be possible to achieve consistency and rentability.

More than one reason to trust Swiset!

Technique #2 to achieve profitability

Have you stopped entering an operation because the fear of losing and in the end, you realize that you would have made a profit?

Don’t let your lack of decition and confidence in your strategy and abilities prevent you from making profits.

Mark Douglas in his book “trading in the zone” talks about the importance of trusting your trading system to operate rationally and not emotionally, that is, to measure your results and keep statistics on them. 

Measuring your results means keeping track of everything you do when trading. Know how you are doing with each of your strategies, the time of day where you are most profitable and many more.

Sounds complicated, right? With Swiset it’s easier than you think

Keep track of it, it is important to know the statistics of your operations such as Ratio of Winning Operations, Risk Benefit and many more. This is how you determine if you really make money if you are consistently making money or if on the contrary you are about to burn your account

And NOBODY wants to burn their account, do they? You can even differentiate your Demo or Real accounts and see how your performance has been in them independently.

In addition, knowing what financial assets give you a loss or contribute to your profits is the best you can know. You know why? Because that way you really know that you are making money and not just trading by trading.

Remember, financial freedom is not achieved by losing money.

With trading you make money on the ups or downs, but do you know where it goes better? In Swiset you realize which is the type of operation (Buy or sell) with which your profits increase to continue doing it.

There are many ways you can be consistent and increase your profits, but do you know which one is the best? It is important to measure and evaluate the performance of each of your strategies. To know which of the strategies suits you or which one you undo and with Swiset it is very simple.

If you know about investment you know that your time is worth it, you must invest it in something worthwhile. Stop watching the screen all day waiting for a trade, identify the time of day when you have the best profits. To avoid wasting money and time entering when you should not.

With Swiset you can achieve it, this is the moment to use time to your advantage!

Did you already know about these benefits of using Swiset to record your operations?

We know you loved these benefits of using Swiset, why not get more benefits?

By investing in our Pro membership plans you get these and many more benefits that are useful to increase your profits, improve your performance and reduce your losses.

Do not miss yours!

Mentors and trading Leaders

Technique #3 to Reach your Goals


Only those who know your process and your way of operating can guide your way to consistency.

Counting with a personalized trading mentor to help you optimize your trading session is the best thing you can do to increase your profits.

There may be people with a lot of knowledge about Trading, technical patterns and others who are very helpful. They can also contribute a lot and show benefits to your performance.

But there is nothing like a mentor who knows and has presented exactly what you do! That’s right, with Swiset you have a fully personalized, full-time mentor who gives you the most valuable and important information about your operations.

With your Trading Mentor you´ll know that information you were missing to increase your profits, cut your losses and get to consistently win in the markets.

Since not all accounts and markets are the same and in all of them you don’t have the same results, with your trading mentor you can filter for each of your accounts. Viewing every single one independently, with accurate and detailed information for each one.

Who doesn’t want a trading mentor like this to improve results? EVERYONE! But there is a catch … you can access it only with one of our Swiset Pro plans.
If you haven’t done it, this is your time, every second that passes there is one less space left to access your discount.
Remember, EVERYONE wants it! but few will get it.

What are you waiting for to have a personalized mentor?

Academies that support us

Opciones para Invertir Swiset

Technique #4 for achieving consitency


This is the last step you need to apply for you to have a chance to become part of the 5% of traders that are profitable worldwide.

To reach your goals in trading as in life you need a plan, without a plan any path is useful and it seems to work, but it isn´t.

You need a plan that suits your tastes, your way of operating, with which you feel comfortable, but above all, that is useful and takes you where you want to go.

That is your trading plan with Swiset, a plan that leads you to achieve your goals!

With the trading plan you can achieve the results you have always been looking for to live from trading, being consistent and profitable in the long term.

What is a trading plan like? A Trading plan is completely personalized and independent from Others, we all have different tastes and preferences. You get the same with the trading plan in Swiset, you can create your plan from scratch, setting goals, restrictions and conditions that best suit your tastes.

But why a plan if I can’t keep it in mind?Well with Swiset this is not a problem, thanks to our connection with Telegram you receive notifications every time you reach or breach any of the parameters of your trading plan, so you know how your plan is going to achieve your goals.

¿Cool, ah? Surely no one else can offer you a plan tailor-made for you by someone who knows you better than anyone else, yourself. Reaching your goal only depends on you.

Reviews of Swiset users


Take advantage off this limited time offer!


Trading Journal 

$35 USD 

Real time Stats

$25 USD 

Trading Mentor 100% Personalized

$30 USD 

Trading Plan 100% Personalized

$20 USD

Total 110 USD

Swiset Pro

In offer

10,5 USD/month

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Simple wise trading

We are deeply passionate to improve the investors and traders life, working with ♥ for you.

Risk Disclosure: Futures, foreign currency and options trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC Rules 4.41 – Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations, unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown. See risk disclosure.

Testimonial Disclosure: Testimonials appearing on this website may not be representative of other customers, and are not guarantees of future performance or success.

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