Swiset is the first Colombian Startup admitted into the Tenity accelerator in Switzerland.

Years of Growth:

We started in 2019 with a solution that unfortunately didn’t work, but it gave us the opportunity to better explore the market. By the end of 2019, we realized that we should focus on trading journals, also based on retail traders’ CRS Bloomberg. This was the cornerstone that guided us to initiate our entire process.

In 2020, we launched our first webinar on the topic. In March, we had 300 participants. Shortly after, in August of the same year, we began to grow, reaching 700 users. By the end of 2020, we closed with over 1000 users on our platform.

In 2021, we ended with 10,000 users. Then came 2022 with 17,000, and today we are proud to have 25,000 traders using our development.

On the other hand, the communities and brokers, who are our key allies and an important part of our ecosystem, have also seen significant growth:

– 2020 – 5 communities
– 2021 – 20 communities
– 2022 – 40 communities
– 2023 – 80 nearby communities

In the realm of brokers, we have been fortunate to have the unwavering support of major companies that have accompanied and grown with us. Today, we can proudly say that four major brokers are part of this journey.

The Process:

It began with an application form we submitted to Tenity in March 2023, where we had to discuss the company and the impact of our vision.

Next, we had to record a 3-minute pitch where we emphasized Swiset, its differentiation, and innovation. This opened the door to the third and final phase of the selection process, which involved an in-person pitch in Switzerland. This was not only a challenge due to the significance of the event but also because we were competing with over 30 other companies in the same position as us. Additionally, we had to do it all in English, in a foreign country, facing our potential mentors, all highly experienced professionals in the field. For this, we prepared for more than 16 hours solely on the presentation deck and achieved a very positive outcome. Today, we are the first Colombian company to participate in this program and the sole representatives from Latin America for the Fall 2023 program, which makes us even prouder.

Why this accelerator?

Tenity had approached us for a similar program over two years ago. However, at that time, Swiset was undergoing a different process, and Tenity’s proposal aligned precisely with our current situation. So, we didn’t accept it back then but kept it on our radar for future scaling opportunities. Now, it’s the perfect time for our projection, and strategically, we decided to apply.

What to Expect?

We aim to enhance our understanding of all aspects related to scaling a company, team expansion, and particularly the fundraising component. This won’t just drive our growth but also enable us to learn from the experiences of the mentors in the program.

Being close to SIX Switzerland, the world’s third-largest stock exchange, will offer us the chance to position ourselves in the European market, closely understand its needs, and generate solutions from a different perspective. Additionally, being nearer to our European clients and being able to solidify strategies for continued growth are included in our planning.

Implications for Swiset’s Clients:

Learning about user experience and user interface will significantly enhance the product and ensure it consistently aligns with market needs. We’ll also be able to invest capital in implementing new developments and integrations within the application.

Stepping out of Latin America and gaining international exposure will provide us with the opportunity to observe and understand how other startups operate in Europe. This will allow us to generate ideas and strategies for entering new markets. Moreover, we’ll have the chance to learn firsthand about potential allies and partnerships, enabling us to transfer that value back to the community. Our commitment is for everything learned in this process to be applied and reflected in the company’s development.


Raising the investment round that will significantly scale operations in the coming year (2024).
Expanding the team for global-scale operations.

We’d like to express our gratitude for the support we’ve received from the beginning. Swiset is what it is because traders have helped us build the solution. Beyond that, they’ve believed in us as a Colombian startup, and over time, they continue to believe in us as founders and as a company. This is the first step toward a very promising future for the company, and we hope they’ll continue supporting us and allow us to grow hand in hand with them as traders.